Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Boxing Day  Boxing day is celebrated the day directly after Christmas day (December 26th). On this day, all stores put their merchandise on sale for really good prices. It tends to be a crazy and hectic time.   The first Boxing day is believed to have started approximately 800 years ago in the United Kingdom. It was a day when churches would send out collection boxes. These boxes got opened on this day to reveal what was inside and distribute its contents amongst the poor so that they could get something special during the Christmas holidays as well. Also, on this day, servants got time off work to celebrate Christmas with their loved ones.

    Another theory as to how Boxing day began is that middle class working men, who made frequent delivery runs, would receive Christmas boxes or generous tips from their customers and co-workers.
  Today, it is only a celebrated holiday in as  few as 4 countries around the world. These countries are: Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand.



  1. I would be interested in a post about ground hog day in the future! :D

  2. I cannot believe that it isn't more widely celebrated. Do you think that Boxing Day is important?

  3. Do you go boxing day shopping? If you do then what do you think sells the most? Like electronics, clothes, etc

  4. I think boxing day is so overrated personally. I think waiting in lines with so many people make it almost not worth it!
