Friday 4 October 2013

Devil's Night/ Mischief Night

            Devil’s/Mischief Night takes place on the night of October 30th. This is the night before Halloween.             It wasn't  until the 20th century that that the "mischief" began. This night was commonly celebrated in mainly Canada, England, and the U.S. This night was for pranks and mild vandalism by young adolecents. Pranks consisted of tipping over outhouses, un-hinging farmer's gates, and throwing eggs at houses. This tradition however, became filled with a lot more violent acts and more serious vandalism by the 1920's-1930's . It is believed that that cause of the serious vandalism was prevoked by the stress people were under during the time of the Great Depression. 
          Today, the vandalism  has been toned down a lot. The pranks held on this night now consist of soaping windows, egging houses and cars, toilet papering people's houses and trees, and knocking on doors and then running away before the homeowner answers. The mischief and pranks are what make the night before Halloween for "tricks" and the night of Halloween for "treats"



  1. I have never really understood the whole "trick or treat" thing. But I always thought people did pranks on Halloween. It's an interesting piece of history.
    Do you actually like learning about these days as you write about them? Your writing just seems very formal and it makes it a little harder to read.

  2. well yeah.... they're informative posts.. I wanted them to sound formal so it seems more like I actually know what i'm talking about and i'm not just making up random stuff soo...
    and yeah I do actually like finding out different things about each holidays. it interest me. and sorry to tell you but there's going to be lots more formal writing coming lol

  3. Wow haha some of those early pranks were pretty bad! Do you think this is still as popular among teens now was it was, say 20 years ago?

  4. I am totally going to participate in devils night this year...
