Thursday 10 October 2013

Rememberence Day first Remembrance Day to be held in was on November 11, 1919. At the time, it was an unofficial holiday referred to as Armistice Day. Its purpose, just like today, was for people to pay their respects to the soldiers who fought in World War 1 and to remember the Canadian soldiers who had died in the form of a ceremony. Armistice Day marks the date and time the soldiers stopped fighting during World War 1 (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month).
             In 1931, Canadian MP Allen Neill made a bill to have November 11th as the official day to honour all Canadian war veterans. This day was to be dedicated to Canadian soldiers from then on. Also, it was decided that the word Armistice would be changed to Remembrance, because we remember all those who fought for our country.;postID=1607716150747397338             Today, all government buildings fly the Canadian National flag on the eleventh of November during a two minute silence at 11:00 am. This is to say a silent prayer or thank you for the approximate 100,000 Canadian soldiers who died during World War 1 and World War 2 Combined.


But why the poppy? The poppy is used as the traditional symbol of Remembrance Day. It was chosen to represent the soldiers because it was the only thing that survived in Flanders (the whole Western part of Belgium). Flanders was where the First World War was. Because of the war, all things there were destroyed, except the poppies. Today, we use the poppy flower the symbol because it symbolizes comfort and hope and brought faith to the soldiers by its vibrant colour and beauty.



  1. Awesome post! I like how you have been writing about holidays that are coming up soon!

  2. Remembrance day is definitely one of the most important holidays in my personal opinion. do you think it deserves more attention because of what it symbolizes and represents?

    1. Personally I think that it should get A LOT more attention than it does. We are constantly taking advantage of being free but we never seem to thank those who gave us the freedom and those who are still fighting for it.

  3. Remembrance Day has always been big in my family because of our military involvement. Because of that, the poppy is one of my favorite flowers. Do you have any personal connection to the day?
